80s toys - Atari. I still have

The LEGO Movie: Videogame

The LEGO Movie Videogame puts LEGO kids into the role of Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. Players guide Emmet as he is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which Emmet is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared. This item: The LEGO Movie Videogame - Xbox 360 Standard Edition by Warner Home Video - Games Xbox 360 $14.99 Lego: Marvel Super Heroes by Warner Home Video - Games Xbox 360 $14.99 Minecraft - Xbox 360 by Microsoft Xbox 360 $14.99 {"currencyCode":"USD","itemData":[{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":14.99,"ASIN":"B00ECOBFA4","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":14.99,"ASIN":"B00B98HF1O","isPreorder":0},{"priceBreaksMAP":null,"buyingPrice":14.99,"ASIN":"B00BU3ZLJQ","isPreorder":0}],"shippingId":"B00ECOBFA4::5SyJmT0gSPmUdocTjHVu6TM3n8OKnffpUy7TYAZ%2Botf3KZYXrYEUxtYhigazip0T3qr%2FAAEzbImwM%2FzYCshVX0U9%2FQrXW9Q6XdcGXOGLvTurMrhA0kyhMg==,B00B98HF1O::sG%2Fmt5octn%2BW6YbYnVVun%2FNpd3qVBvGj5S3PLKr31vclSpJ57Dcwg%2FIJh3XrQ%2B7z7xcV%2FKWvrcPMC5As%2BxG4fO8xBjaG1xRUPGVztblrcmTro%2FyLEqzolw==,B00BU3ZLJQ::zJSMeOsLgh7tLPSUbhmUtumRem2juT1zrS%2F1qu2RYL4NVUQRby3%2F2BzLwOxXTWnbBsszzPP6lUgyKdOe2An%2BhZKrgc8n9Ufqw59YyWkjcZV19ZkxeWyxeA==","sprites":{"addToWishlist":["wl_one","wl_two","wl_three"],"addToCart":["s_addToCart","s_addBothToCart","s_add3ToCart"],"preorder":["s_preorderThis","s_preorderBoth","s_preorderAll3"]},"shippingDetails":{"xz":"same","xy":"same","yz":"same","xyz":"same"},"tags":["x","y","z","w"],"strings":{"addToWishlist":["Add to Wish List","Add both to Wish List","Add all three to Wish List","Add all four to Wish List"],"addToCart":["Add to Cart","Add both to Cart","Add all three to Cart","Add all four to Cart"],"showDetailsDefault":"Show availability and shipping details","shippingError":"An error occurred, please try again","hideDetailsDefault":"Hide availability and shipping details","priceLabel":["Price:","Price for both:","Price for all three:","Price For All Four:"],"preorder":["Pre-order this item","Pre-order both items","Pre-order all three items","Pre-order all four items"]}} The LEGO Movie Videogame does, in every way, live up to the potential shown in the previous LEGO games. You have all the same silliness, the same kinds of puzzles, and so, so many things to unlock. So, basically, if you like the previous LEGO games, and want more of the same, this is for you. The plot is, as near as I can tell, the same as in the movie. There’s a world of LEGO that’s inhabited by Emmet, a normal, ordinary guy who finds out that he’s “the Special”, and goes on a quest to save the world from the evil Lord Business. Along the way, he meets the likes of Batman, Abraham Lincoln, and every recent Morgan Freeman character rolled into one, and learns that sometimes building outside the instructions is ok. As a special added bonus, all the characters are voiced by the actors from the movie, so you get Morgan Freeman, Will Farrell, Liam Neeson, etc. And…that’s about it. You’ll beat the main game with about 35% of the actual game completed, and spend the rest of your life unlocking items and characters. Not that that’s a bad thing. You’ll probably also have a lot of fun, because, come on, LEGO video games are, lately, quite awesome. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind the “Everything is Awesome!” song from the movie because it’s going to be your new best friend in this game. This is an excellent video game for anyone from about five years old on up. I’m forty-one and I still enjoy it, as well as the other LEGO games. The fact that I’m quite into LEGO, and have been since I was a kid, helps in this. But regardless. It’s a fun game, and I highly recommend it. I love most of the Lego video games (Lego Batman 1 and the two Indiana Jones games being the only ones I don't like). I wasn't going to get this game, but every time I saw a commercial I laughed. I decided to get the game at the last second so I bought it in the store this morning. I've only been through a couple of levels but this is a really fun world with a lot of fun characters and some interesting locations right now. Okay, I've finished the main game play and am now doing "cleanup." My favorite thing about Lego video games is the cleanup. I have a cousin who usually plays them with me -- and he prefers the levels. I'm exactly the opposite. I'm really enjoying this world and I'm really enjoying playing the game. The storyline is pretty much exactly the same as the movie (which makes sense) but the game play is just as entertaining and just as addictive as all the others. So, while I enjoyed the game play I'm really looking forward to cleanup now. I'm someone that will fixate on this game until I get it up to 100 percent. I do it with all the Lego games -- even if I have to go back months later. I'm still stuck on a few things for Lego Marvel (I have issues with flying, I don't know why). I know I will be playing this game whenever I have time over the next few weeks to mop it up and, from what I can tell, I'm going to enjoy every single minute of it. I'm still doing cleanup -- and I'm enjoying the adventure of doing it. The truth is, I find a perverse sense of enjoyment of making Batman fight next to a mummy. I can't explain it. The game is such a hodgepodge of wonder, I just can't say enough. So, yes, a week later -- I'm still having a grand time with the game. With a three-day weekend coming up, I'm thinking the game is going to detract from spring cleaning. That's both a blessing and a curse. While I like the main character, I'm honestly most excited about playing with Batman and Wonder Woman again. I'm easy to please like that. Now I can't wait for Lego The Hobbit. Bring it on. Okay, I'm about 75 percent done with the game (unfortunately, real life keeps intruding on my game playing). I do have one complaint -- and that it's there's no gold brick detector. I've come to rely on them when playing Lego games -- and I do miss it. There's no character token detector either -- and as I'm missing three characters, that would come in helpful at this point. Also, I keep seeing people posting reviews saying they finished the main game play at 35 percent. I think that one person really finished the main game play at 35 percent and posted that and everyone else is stealing that number when they didn't really play the game. The truth is, I finished the main game play at 16 percent -- and that was including buying several characters -- so it wasn't just straight game play. I think that's a big discrepancy from the 35 percent everyone else keeps posting. I think it's too much of a coincidence that everyone keeps posting the same number -- when it would be virtually impossible for all these random reviewers to hit the same number in a game where you have to collect so many things. I'm just saying. Okay, I thought I would come back and update this before my Lego Hobbit arrives in two weeks and I'm on to something new. I finished this to 100 percent about three weeks ago. The last gold brick was a pain to get, but most of the stuff in this game is really easy to complete. I had a great time with it. My only complaint is that I wish it had more tasks to complete. Right now, I would rate it ahead of the first Lego Batman and both Lego Indiana Jones. I would rate it on par with Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and the original Lego Star Wars (and sequel) and slightly behind Lego DC Batman 2, Lego Marvel, both Lego Harry Potters, Lego LOTR and Lego The Clone Wars -- and that's really only because there's not enough to do. Here's hoping that's not the problem with the Leog Hobbit game. Read more ›

The Lego Movie Videogame is an action-adventure video game developed by TT Games as part of the Lego series of video games. It follows the plot of the animated film The Lego Movie. The game was published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and released alongside the film in 2014 for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo 3DS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, and on 16 October 2014 for Mac OS X by Feral Interactive.

The Lego Movie Videogame

The LEGO Movie: Videogame

The Lego Movie Videogame is an action-adventure video game developed by TT Games as part of the Lego series of video games. It follows the plot of the ..

Feb 12, 2014.. The LEGO Movie Videogame's diverse backdrops and heroes devolve into tedium and busywork.

Amazon.com: The LEGO Movie Videogame - Xbox 360 Standard Edition: Video Games

The LEGO Movie Videogame. Join Emmet and an unlikely group of resistance fighters in their heroic quest to thwart Lord Business' evil plans—a mission that ..

Transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and experience the ultimate LEGO building experience in the all new The LEGO® Movie Videogame. Step into the ..

The LEGO Movie: Videogame

The LEGO Movie Videogame puts LEGO kids into the role of Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified ..

Feb 7, 2014.. This Walkthrough will contain videos, collectible locations and more for the 15 levels of The LEGO Movie Videogame.