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Podnapisi.NET maintenance

Podnapisi.NET nikoli nismo imeli namena ukiniti, šlo je le za hudomušno prvoaprilsko šalo, s katero smo želeli opozoriti, da trenuten model upravljanja s stranjo ni primeren, tako po finančni, kot tudi po organizacijski plati, zaradi česar bomo začeli s procesom prenosa lastništva in upravljanja strani v neprofitno organizacijo, ki bo lažje motivirala večje število programerjev, prevajalcev in urednikov k sodelovanju v projektu. Stran je spisana popolnoma na novo in bi zaradi prenosa s stare na novo kodo v vsakem primeru bila nekaj časa nedostopna, dokler se migracijski procesi ne zaključijo. Kodo smo morali napisati popolnoma na novo, saj nam je soavtor stare kode prepovedal uporabo. Za vse morebitne težave pri prehodu, ki bodo nastale v vmesnem obdobju se iskreno opravičujemo. Vse zainteresirane, ki želite sodelovati pri krojenju usode svetovno znane spletne strani, vabimo, da se nam pridružite. Več informacij o prehajanju na neprofitno upravljanje strani in vabilo k sodelovanju lahko pričakujete v bližnji prihodnosti (ni 1. aprilska šala). Prenos bo predvideno končan ob 21:00 CET, ker pa gre za zajetno količino podatkov (vnos ~3M podnapisov v MongoDB) lahko pride do zakasnitve. Vabljeni, da si zvečer ogledate novo spletno stran in da skupaj naredimo prvi stresni preizkus! Obiščite nas na Facebook, Google+ ali Twitter za več informacij. Podnapisi.NET site was never in the process of shutting down, as many of you already guessed, it was only an April fool's day prank. We wanted to point out that current management model isn't suitable for the website, neither financially, nor organisationally. Because of that, we intend to transfer ownership and management of the website to a non-profit organization, which will help motivating larger number of programmers, translators and editors to parcitipate in the project. Website was completely rewritten and during the process of switching the code, we had to shut down the old website and wait for the migration process to complete. We had to write the code from scratch because, one of co-authors of the old code prohibited it's usage. We apologize for inconveniance that arose because of website's downtime. Everyone willing to participate in the project are welcome to join us. You can expect more information about the transition to a non-profit management with an invitation to participate in the near future. Migration process will be completed at 9:00pm (CET). Because of large amounts of data (transfer approximately 3M of subtitles to MongoDB), site introduction could be a bit delayed. You are invited to check the site again later today, so we can take a first look and make the first stress test! Visit us on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter for more information.

Oct 9, 2014.. Taxi Brooklyn (2014) Polski napisy Taxi.Brooklyn.S01E04.HDTV.x264-LOL Taxi.Brooklyn.S01E04.720p.HDTV.x264-DIMENSION Taxi.Brooklyn ..

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2014. szept. 28. VIDEÓ - Caitlyn nyomozóként dolgozik, és állandóan bajba kerül. Az önfejű rendőr, amióta megölték az apját, a legendás nyomozót, képtelen ..

Jul 17, 2014.. Taxi Brooklyn S01E04 480p HDTV MKV 165MB Cat and Leo investigate the murder of a foster mother. Cat soon finds herself bonding with one ..