
Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn

Oct 21, 2014.. Your purchase of Dreamfall Chapters includes all five episodes. The first two episodes — Book One: Reborn and Book Two: Rebels — are ..

Summary: The world of Arcadia exists in parallel and in balance with own own. It is a world of magic and chaos, a counterweight to Stark, the world of science and order. The Balance between the twin worlds is watched over by the Guardian, who channels the energies of Chaos and Order between ArcadiaThe world of Arcadia exists in parallel and in balance with own own. It is a world of magic and chaos, a counterweight to Stark, the world of science and order. The Balance between the twin worlds is watched over by the Guardian, who channels the energies of Chaos and Order between Arcadia and Stark.… Expand A good start for a new adventure, Book One: Reborn is good but will leave you just wanting for more and wondering if the subsequent chapters will live up to its good foundation. I won’t elaborate upon the various ways in which the original The Longest Journey touched my life such that it wormed its way into aI won’t elaborate upon the various ways in which the original The Longest Journey touched my life such that it wormed its way into a permanent, rare part of my heart I reserve for very few games. Or how its followup, Dreamfall, left me hanging on the edge of a cliff with one of my favorite video game characters of all time (April Ryan) at the conclusion of its equally memorable tale. But sufficed to say, when I learned that this series was receiving the sequel treatment from a team including the original creators funded by Kickstarter, I leapt at the chance to support the survival of a story I didn’t want to see vanish into the ether of gaming history. Does the game live up to the legacy of the first two cult classics? Is it the triumphant return of the well written, endearing characters we know and love? Well... for the most part, I have to say yes. Yes it does, and yes it is. But, alas, it’s not an unequivocal affirmative. Like Dreamfall before it, DFC is a third person, story-driven adventure with puzzle elements, albeit sans the action segments this time around. (Thankfully. I never liked them personally.) As promised during development, it does strike an interesting balance between the adventure sensibility of Dreamfall, and the point and click feel of The Longest Journey. The visuals range from beautiful and dream-like, to confusingly lit. (Especially in Europolis. Talk about overdoing the lens flares. Wow.) But it all contributes to a wonderful feel that is immediately evocative of Stark in The Longest Journey. Characters are pleasingly detailed, shiny, and stylized. Sound design is effective, though there are some instances of a distant sound cutting off sooner than it seems like it should, rather than gently fading out with distance. The music, however, is goose bump inducingly fantastic. Moving and atmospheric in the extreme, I was perhaps most impressed with this aspect of the game’s production. Poole et al have done a riveting job of scoring this world and its story. Gameplay consists of using the aforementioned context sensitive icon interactions to solve puzzles, traverse environments, and advance the story. Longtime fans of the series will be pleased to know I found the writing and characterization to be extremely true to the tones and complexities of the previous entries. Zoë and Kian, if anything, feel even more human, vulnerable, and conflicted than in Dreamfall. The puzzles you must solve to advance through these areas and progress through the part of the story told in this book are deceptively simple once solved, but I got stuck more than once experimenting with multiple avenues before succeeding. This pads out the duration somewhat, and also feels a lot like The Longest Journey, which I definitely like. All of this combined to make me feel secure in the belief that the story, once complete, will be both true to the original games’ legacies, and engaging enough to take me to interesting territory psychologically and thematically. This brings me to the sole major criticism I have of Book One: its insubstantial content. There are a grand total of four truly distinct areas in the game, with only one of them being large and fully explorable. You spend very little time in all but one of said locales. My first playthrough took me 6 hours. Not horrible, considering that there are AAA games which last that long. No, the problem is not the price, or the value. The issue is how brief and empty that 6 hours felt, subjectively. I can honestly attest that the majority of those hours were spent walking, backtracking, and stumped by one or two particularly inscrutable puzzles. Were the beautiful façade that is the world of DFC as interactive as it is atmospheric, I might not have minded. As it stands though, beyond the key characters and hot spots, there's not much to see and do in Europolis. It's beautiful, big, and well... quite empty feeling. Worse still, very little of the story is advanced. Just when I was beginning to become truly intrigued and immersed... that was it. To Be Continued. The cut off point felt quite unnatural and poorly paced in my opinion as well. Less of a self contained beginning-middle-end cycle and more of a "beginning, middle, and... uh... that's it?" Despite these criticisms, in actuality I love the game. It is a return to a world and to characters that I have loved, and missed. It oozes mood, charm, and humor. Characters have inner worlds and are multifaceted, nuanced, fully developed people for the most part. Something I have bitterly missed since the first two games, and something far too rare even today in digital narratives. The music is spine tingling. The tone and general direction of the story feels in every way like it will fit into the larger mythos and texture of the saga, and it is in many ways like coming home. That's worth some shortcomings and growing pains if you're a TLJ/DF fan. Balance be with you.… Expand

Nov 12, 2014.. November 12, 2014 The promising but fragmented Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn is a direct sequel to 2006's enchanting Dreamfall: ..

Metacritic Game Reviews, Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn for PC, The world of Arcadia exists in parallel and in balance with own own. It is a world of ..

Judged on its own, Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn falls flat, but it may be setting the stage for an epic adventure.

Dreamfall Chapters Book One: RebornDreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn

Dreamfall Chapters is the long awaited episodic follow-up to the award-winning .. The first episode of Dreamfall Chapters — Book One: Reborn — is out now!

The first "book", subtitled Reborn, was released on 21 October 2014, and the remaining four are to be.. "Dreamfall Chapters Book One releasing October 21st".

Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn

Oct 30, 2014.. As part of a long-term arc, Book One: Reborn may prove highly effective; on its own, it plays at a measured adagio that rarely quickens.

Dreamfall Chapters - Book One: Reborn Review - IGN