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Alec L A Casey

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ALEC - SLATER BROTHERS, #2. Keela Daley is the black sheep of her family. She has always come second to her younger cousin Micah. Even in the eyes of ..

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Welcome to the official Facebook page of L.A. Casey!.. (Slater Brothers, #1.5) - Synopsis July 14, 2014; Alec (Slater Brother, #2) - Synopsis April 6, 2014.

Aug 17, 2014.. Read Alec (Slater Brothers, #2) by L.A. Casey by L.A. Casey for free with a 30 day free trial. Read eBook on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android.

Alec (Slater Brothers Book 2) - Kindle edition by L.A. Casey, Gypsy Heart Editing. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

Alec (Slater Brothers, #2)

Aug 17, 2014.. Alec has 4613 ratings and 433 reviews. L.A. said: “Books are supposed to expand your world; expose you to people, places, emotions, and ..

Alec (Slater Brothers, #2) 4.23 of 5 stars 4.23 · rating details · 4,623 ratings · 433 reviews Keela Daley is the black sheep of her family. She has always come second to her younger cousin Micah. Even in the eyes of her mother, Micah shone bright, and Keela faded to black. Now, in adulthood, Micah is a bride-to-be and the spotlight is solely on her. Keela is a low priority...or so she thinks. Alec Slater is a bachelor, never one to bed the same woman, or man, twice. Keela Daley is the black sheep of her family. She has always come second to her younger cousin Micah. Even in the eyes of her mother, Micah shone bright, and Keela faded to black. Now, in adulthood, Micah is a bride-to-be and the spotlight is solely on her. Keela is a low priority...or so she thinks. Alec Slater is a bachelor, never one to bed the same woman, or man, twice. He is a free agent who does what he pleases and answers to no one; that is until a fiery Irish redhead with a temper to match her hair colour knocks him on his arse. Literally. She hates to admit it, but Keela needs a favour from the cocky Slater brother, a huge favour. She needs him to not only escort her to Micah's wedding, but to also pose as her boyfriend. Alec agrees to help Keela, but has certain conditions for her to abide by. He wants her body and plans to have it before anyone can say I do. What he doesn't plan on is losing his heart as well as the possibility of losing his family when someone from his past threatens his future. Alec owns Keela, and what Alec owns, Alec keeps. ...more I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!! 5 "Playboy-Kitten" stars!! “I’ve only known you a few days and you have already made an impression on me. Nobody has ever made an impression on me. You’ve worked your way under my skin and you’ve down this by pissing me off.” –Alec Slater #I can’t believe I’m going to say this but…Hell, ALEC is by far my FAVORITE book from the Slater Brother Series!! And that banter between Aideen and Storm was frickin' hilarious!!# ☆ I received an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!! ☆ 5 "Playboy-Kitten" stars!!☆☆☆☆☆ “I’ve only known you a few days and you have already made an impression on me. Nobody has ever made an impression on me. You’ve worked your way under my skin and you’ve down this by pissing me off.” –Alec Slater #I can’t believe I’m going to say this but…Hell, ALEC is by far my FAVORITE book from the Slater Brother Series!! And that banter between Aideen and Storm was frickin' hilarious!!# ✓ Alec, who we all know as Dominic's perverse, older bisexual brother, takes place the night of Bronagh's 21st birthday (so yes, the same day of where Bronagh, the novella ends) and meets our heroine after an ex-slag of his attacks a friend of hers and Branna's. Apparently, said ex-slag, thought that Aideen (Branna's friend and NOT our book heroine btw) was Alec's latest conquest and got all jelly when she mauled Aideen in the face and rendered the latter incapable of getting herself home. This consequently leads to prodding through Aideen's cellphone, after Brenna is nowhere in sight to divulge Aideen's home whereabouts, and Keela Daley (*Alec's love interest*), is then called to bail her ailing friend home. But...as luck would have it, Alec is there (since he was the very one who contacted Keela) when Keela arrives to pick Aideen up, and Alec being Alec, the insatiable manwhore that he is, is his ever charming self and tries to seduce Keela, only to be belligerently rebuffed and shoved onto the ground. Things all of course change, when Keela's cousin, Micah's, (yes, the b*#ch from Dominic ) wedding announcement is made and Keela finds herself in desperate need of a date++ doting boyfriend to escort her to the wedding without raising suspicions of her judgmental family and scoundrous, backstabbing, ex-boyfriend. Who could she ask? And could possibly fit the bill? Alec Slater of course. Alec is everything that Keela could and couldn't want. He's hot, cocky, and tatted, and possesses a sinuous mouth that could melt her panties. He also happens to be an ex-escort and is the Slater Brothers' most notorious serial one night stander and Cassanova. He knows the tricks of the trade on how to effortlessly charm a woman (or man) out of their pants and does not plan to settle down ever...until Keela. Trying to distance himself from his escorting days, Alec is reluctant at first to take upon Keela's request, but soon finds himself unable to resist the fiery red head who had literally had knocked him on his ass the very night they met. Alec agrees to Keela's plea and with that, makes a few rules and stipulations that she must abide by, which includes access to her delectable body, and soon finds himself breaking all his rules with her. But with danger, old and new enemies try to tear Alec and Keela's budding relationship and a jaded past from Alec's (and his brothers') threatens everything amd everyone close to him, how will everything turn out? After all: But just how far he (and even Keela) go to protect those that they love? And most importantly, will it be enough? Read and you will find out! My thoughts: So as I said before, Alec is by far my favorite of the Slater Brother Series. Not only did I adore both Alec and Keela, I liked how the author brings into light on how we find love in the most odd of places (and situations) and the importance of a person's self-worth. For Alec and Keela, both experience being set with obscurities of feeling worthy and treated as a person of equal value. In Keela's case: she grew up in a toxic environment where she was financially stable but lacked love and was constantly ridiculed and demeaned by her mom and majority of her family members into feeling inferior and beneath them. Whereas, in Alec's case: while he has the looks, grit, and sex appeal, he also happened to come from a hostile environment where an eye for an eye and no debt goes unpaid for. He never willingly chose to become an escort but was forced to after his brother, Damien, landed in hot water with a madman. In order to protect Damien from imminent death, he then relinquished himself into becoming an escort due to his particular..erm, sexual skills and prowess. "We all worked for the same man, but they weren't in my...field of work. We were sorted into jobs that our talent and skill set could be of use." -"What talent or skill set is required to be an escort?" "I have a big cock, so I guess that is my talent. I can make people come easily, so that would be my skill set. I know how to pleasure the human body." It's like how Alec tells Keela, "I guess it was a lonely one…I got wined and dined on by some very wealthy and important people. I even got laid a hell of a lot, but because I was an escort nobody ever really treated me like a person. i was treated more like an object. I like money, and I really like sex but I like conversing with people too and that rarely happened unless they wanted dirty talk while I was fucking them." And how Keela subsequently questions why he would keep doing such a thing if he was unhappy "Alec, why would you keep a job like that? The pros and cons do not outweigh the cons. If I knew you back when you still had that job I would slap the shite out of you!" And ultimately makes Alec feel worth something for for the the first time in his life other than a sex object "Why would you slap the shit out of me?" -"Because I wouldn't let you work in an environment that treated you like dirt. You're a good fuckin' man and should be treated with the damn respect that you deserve." It's a great moment because you can see the versatility and how in this one breaking point both characters are raw, honest, vulnerable, and utterly stripped down for once and where Alec, in particular, lets down his guard to Keela about his innermost feelings and insecurities. It's far by the most touching moment in the book as we see the duology between Alec and Keela's separate backgrounds and upbringings colliding and how despite their differences, they're not as alone and obscure as they think they are. "Thank you… For caring." “I love you to Neptune and back.” #A wonderful, addicting, and sensual read!! I definitely can't wait for Kane's book and I'm by chance correct, you will meet his lucky lady in Alec!! Gah, L.A. Casey, you're going to kill me with the wait!! ...more Soooo excited for Alec no matter him being bisexual. Love absolutely LOVE all the Slater Brothers, my favorite brother is Kane! Can not WAIT till his book is released! If you don't like the fact that L.A. Casey may put a ménage in this regardless YOUR preference then don't read the Fuckin' book you idjit's! Don't judge, it looks ugly on you Fuckface!!

LA - Logo3.png. HOME · MY BOOKS · Frozen · Dominic (Slater Brothers #1) · Bronagh (Slater Brothers #1.5) · Alec (Slater Brothers #2) · Keela.. L.A. CASEY ..